Welcome to WinHers United Episode 100! This is a special episode of WinHers United to celebrate the achievement of reaching 100 episodes. During this celebratory episode, Nicole Walker founder of She Leads Podcast transforms from the host to the guest. Nicole is an Award Winning Podcaster, International Speaker, and Women’s Empowerment Advocate who leads her life like the Boss she is. To hear Nicole’s leadership journey, check out her interview as she shares her experiences and insight!
Nicole Walker’s Bio
Award Winning Podcaster, Global Influencer, International Speaker, and Women Empowerment Advocate Nicole Walker, is a determined leader on a mission to empower businesses and inspire Women of Color around the globe. As a former teen parent, Nicole had to face many hurdles, yet her relentless drive and ambition led her to not only finish high school but to also earn a Master’s degree as well as certifications in business analysis, training, instructional development/design, and project management. Equipped with this array of valuable knowledge, Nicole uses her insight to help others succeed.
Nicole is passionate about discussing the importance of effective leadership and a healthy mindset for optimal performance. This is an area she struggled with for many years, so she is adamant about lessening the time others need to understand the concepts she now knows and the strategies she uses to thrive. Nicole loves to hear from the people that she impacts with her messages, and encourages her supporters to reach out to her at info@nicolewalker.net to give her feedback.
On March 1, 2018, Nicole Walker launched She Leads Podcast: Leadership Empowerment for Women of Color. Nicole uses this platform to showcase leading Women of Color Entrepreneurs, as a representation for the under-represented and to promote collaboration as opposed to the competition she experienced among many of the women she encountered. She Leads Podcast focuses on topics such as Self-Discovery, Self-Leadership, Mindset, Self-Care, Productivity, and Success Strategies.
Since the creation of She Leads Podcast it has become a highly acclaimed and well respected platform. Over the last two years, She Leads Podcast has gained a global presence receiving downloads in 81 countries around the world, and is streamed on over 11 podcast streaming platforms. Nicole is extremely proud that She Leads Podcast was referenced in an academic research paper focusing on the impacts of empowering podcasts for women of color, which was presented at the 2019 National Pop-Culture Association in Washington, D.C.
Other She Leads Podcast Accolades that Nicole is honored to receive include:
- Being deemed one of the Best Women of Color Podcasts around in 2019 and 2020 by Player FM
- Being ranked number 5 out of the Top 20 Women Leadership Podcasts You Must Follow in 2019 and 2020 by Feedspot Blog
- Being ranked number 2 of the 10 Female Leadership Podcasts to Tune into on International Women’s Day by Listen Notes in 2020
Nicole is the grateful mother of two children: a twenty year old daughter who is currently a junior in college at UNO in New Orleans, LA and a 6 year old son who is a genius ready to take over the world. Because Nicole is both a great mother and a great podcaster, Podcast Magazine ranked Nicole as one of the 2020 Top 50 Moms in Podcasting. When Nicole is not working diligently to change the minds of the people she encounters, Nicole enjoys decorating, event planning, scrap-booking, and most importantly, going on adventures with her family and friends.
Follow She Leads Podcast on Facebook, by clicking HERE.
Interview Highlights
- Nicole candidly shares about her struggles with mental health.
- How relocating 1,200 miles from her hometown led to her becoming a podcaster.
- The importance of therapy and journaling to heal trauma and process feelings.
- What she does to stay balanced and ensure she is caring for herself.
- The why behind She Leads Podcast.
- How podcasting changed her life.
- The necessity for leaders to provide a blueprint for others to follow.
The quote that gave Nicole permission to live her best life:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others” – Marianne Williamson
Be Empowered and Empower On!! – Nicole Walker